Saturday, July 21, 2018

Advanced Laser ProjectorDIY

Make a platform of ice cream sticks. Install the electric motor and glue the mirror. It is necessary to have a variable resistor of 0-4.7 K and a transistor. Solder the transistor to the resistor.

To the middle leg we connect plus. To the left leg, we attach a plus to the electric motor. We connect the lasers to the external power supply and the switch. In this way, the laser can be turned on from the outside.

Install mirrors and lasers on the platform. We made such a scheme. But you can set it on your own. Connect power.

Plus goes to the middle leg of the resistor. We take the minus from the electric motors. I cut out holes for each mirror regulator. Also the switch of each laser.

Turn on the lasers and create shapes. Each change in the result creates a new shape..

Advanced Laser ProjectorDIY

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