Wednesday, July 25, 2018

Anti Falco Laser Technique - Super Smash Bros. Melee

Shoutout to Bob Thunder for the donation to bring in an earlier tutorial What's up guys you already know who it is, it's me, Kira. And today we're gonna go over the most important anit-Falco strat in the entire game. We call it take laser - blank As in take the laser hit and then do an action. Here are some examples: Take laser is actually broken.

It's usually better to do this than shielding lasers Because you have more freedom of movement and can dash out of them instead of having to jump or wavedash. Which are both slower than simply running. Take a look at this clip: See how close the marth is to the falco? And the laser hits marth and yet still falco cannot reach marth in time with a short hop aerial. This is how strong take laser is.

It makes you 100 times more mobile and difficult to hit. From a falco perspective, This is actually a nightmare. As your lasers are basically rendered ineffective. The best way to practice this is with 20XX.

By making sure a Falco CPU is in the player 2 slot, Hold R and press right on the D-Pad To make him shoot short hop lasers indefinitely Then practice dashing in between them. Some players even prefer to simply walk towards a falco to corner them and get attacks out in this method as well. Forcing the falco to make more commital decisions instead of sitting back and lasering forever You can also do the same thing in the air. Every character can buffer a jump out of laser By pressing X or Y any time during the hitstun animation You can also spam other attacks in a similar fashion.

Here are some examples with other characters And of course, take laser sheild can be useful as well. As many times if a falco sees you being hit by lasers They will assume they can get a free hit in Only to hit a shield too early and get counterattacked Take laser does take a lot of practice but it is absolutely crucial to beating falco so be sure to learn this Thanks for watching guys is a laser camping falco the most annoying character to deal with? Or are the people who complain just too lazy to learn how to get around it? Let us know in the comments and I'll see you next week..

Anti Falco Laser Technique - Super Smash Bros. Melee

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