Monday, September 3, 2018


Is it possible for the laser beam to reach the moon?
Let's test that! In 3, 2, 1... Go! Imagine bothering a neighbor with this laser... Guys, I'm gonna do a magic trick... Pick a card No, even better!...

See these cards? I'll put them inside my pocket... Now I'll drink some water My God! Omg... This is the magic trick Hi guys! I'm D4rk! Welcome to another video!!! Today I bring you another laser video! Great laser! I'm not sure you can see this cause
there's a lotta light in the bedroom... But I can see a huge laser beam! I asked you people to comment your suggestions for this series The series "Is it possible...?" And you asked
"Is it possible for the laser to reach the moon?" I loved that suggestion! Loved it! We're gonna do that today, guys! Let's see if this laser beam can reach the moon What do you think, guys? Will it reach the moon? Yes or no? I think I know the answer but we're gonna try it anyway! If you're enjoying the laser series leave many likes on this video so I'll make more videos with laser I can hardly wait cause
I've got many ideas for this laser but I'm only gonna keep it up
if you really support this video It's really important! If you're not subscribed to the channel...

Guys, subscribe to this channel! And press the bell button so you won't miss a video! It's too hot in this room!... It's the spotlight! Hey spotlight! Can you stop with the heat? Let's go, guys! Let's try to answer the question Is is possible to reach the moon with a laser beam? It's 10 PM. The moon is high in the sky I saw the moon and it's almost full great for this experiment but before I point the laser to the moon we're gonna do other things in the house by night Imagine... Lighting up the pool with laser Using these laser heads by night Trying to bother a neighbor with this laser...

Like, very far away... He won't even know
where the laser came from! Or maybe he will cause this leaves a trace! But I'll try not to get caught! I'm gonna do some more cool things by night so leave your comments if you wanna see more things by night Yeah, I think it's gonna work! I'll grab the camera and let's go outside! Guys, I'm outside and
the moon is right up there! Very far up there... One of the first things I'm gonna test is lighting up the pool
Check it out... Come on 3, 2, 1...

Go - Look at this! It's all lit up!
- So cool!... It's totally blue, this pool, man! It lights up a lot! Guys, I'm gonna use this pattern that I love... It's a dotty pattern. Check it out!
Awesome! - I'm gonna point this out to the pool.

- Yes 3, 2, 1, go! - Awesome, man!
- It lights up everything down there! Even the trees! It lights up everything! Guys, look! It lights up all the trees! Check it out! I'm gonna try another pattern What if I overlap them? It alters them, look at this! I found another great pattern I think this one will
light up everything as well Come on, guys! 3, 2, 1, Go! Check it out! It's so wide! It lights up the whole house! From down there up to here! This is great! This one doesn't light up
the pool that much... But it works! I'm gonna point it way down there! Let's go!
3, 2, 1, Go! Look! It reaches all the way down there! It's a beautiful effect! Look at this! So cool!... I'm really curious now because
this laser reaches really far... And I dunno if it reaches the moon...

Check it out 3, 2, 1, go! Look at this! It's very high! This laser reaches the sky! Looks like it's never ending! I'm gonna reach a star! Guys, can you see a star over there? I'm gonna try to touch it
3, 2, 1, go! Look! - Do you think it touched the star?
- Of course not, man!... It's too far... Man, I doubt it reaches
those houses over there! - What? Those houses?
- Yeah, those houses over there... It will reach them, it will! I'm gonna point to those houses in the background I dunno if it will get there but let's try! 3, 2, 1, Go! It actually reaches those houses! Check it out! Check it out! Don't bother your neighbors, OK? Those houses are much farther away.

And it reaches them! Guys, I'm gonna spread the beam If I open this up it will expand a lot more Let's see what happens 3, 2, 1, go ! Look at this! Check it out! It's beautiful, man! This lights up the stars! Look, Malacueca! All these particles passing through the laser! Man, is this dust in the air
or is it the laser? Guys, can you see this? - Is this in the air?
- I guess so, man, it's dirt... How is there this much dirt in the air? You can see it very well Come closer You can see the dust just perfectly! I burnt...! Just kidding! If I bring my hand closer
I can feel the heat immediately If I touch it I feel the heat right away It's a powerful laser! I'm gonna point it to the pool
to see if it still lights up 1, 2, 3! It lights up even more! This basically works as a lantern as well There's a tree even farther away... I'm gonna try to reach it 3, 2, 1, go Look at that!... It really works! I'm lighting up the tree from afar! This laser is very good! Look when I do this! - Little stars, man!
- Look at the particles! Looks like the universe
with all these stars!...

Do you think this is how stars are made?... Guys, I'm in Star Wars!... Check it out!... Picture this actually cutting, man...

I'd be one arm short... You'd be cut by now I'm curious to see that hitting the moon! Cool it, Malacueca... That's for last! Pi is in his bedroom...
I'm gonna hit him with the laser beam I'm gonna open up the laser... We're under attack, Pi! The aliens! Pi, watch out for the aliens! What's that?! It frightened me! It's a lion! Man, stop that! Pi, you can't drop that!...

This is awesome, kid! Touch that star over there! It's reaching the star! How's that?... What happens if I point this to the pool? It lights up! Wow! This is awesome! So cool! Slowly... This is dangerous... - Watch out, Pi!!! It's gonna burn!!!
- Careful, man!!! Guys, another interesting thing...

Because this is an ultraviolet light it will enhance anything that's fluorescent Check this out... I'm not sure you can see this I have a very fluorescent orange ball and I'm gonna point the laser to it 3, 2, 1, go! I'm not sure you can see this but there's an orange ball glowing down there I'm not sure it's showing on camera the ball's right here... It's quite fluorescent as we see it I guess you couldn't see it I'm gonna try to hit a person Maybe a neighbor or anyone with an open window I'm gonna try that But don't do that at home, guys It's dangerous! And it's not OK to bother your neighbors! But I'm gonna do it cause I'm the Scientist!!! And I must test my... My...

The laser! I'm searching for a house with an open window but... I can't cause it's very late Guys, there's an open window over there It's very far
I'm not sure you can see it But I'm gonna try to hit it 3, 2, 1, go! I think it reaches it! But there's no precision to it... It's too far for me to focus the laser there! I need another window, another neighbor! There's another window with the lights out
I'm pointing over there Guys, see this house? See this window?
That's where I'm gonna try to hit I hope I don't get in trouble... 3, 2, 1, Go! I hit it! What if someone's a sleep in there? Suddenly there's a laser beam in the room! Guys, there a constellation up there...

Yeah... D4rk also teaches, ya know? It's the Triangle constellation Here's one star... Another here
and another there, see? They make a triangle, huh? Triangle Constellation! I wanna find more constellations... But there aren't any It's a pity the guys went out Only Pi is home It would be great to scare the guys! But unfortunately they're not home But I'm still gonna light up the whole house! I'm gonna spread the beam some more so it will light up even more! It lights up everything, look at this! Great disco, guys!!! I'm dancing...

What am I doing, man?... Come closer... It's time to answer the question Is it possible to reach the moon with a laser beam? Let's test it! In 3, 2, 1... Go! Check it out! Is it reaching...? Do you think it touched it? No, man...

It's too far!... But looks like it did! Obviously I know the answer to this question The moon is over 380 000 km from Planet Earth So it's utterly impossible
for this laser beam to reach the moon! I believe this laser reaches up to 2 or 3 km That's very little! Now imagine 380 000 km! Do you know how much that is?
It's really far! It's like, farther away than going very far up to China... Like, millions of... What am I sayin'? I dunno! Man, it's really very far! So there's your answer, guys It's not possible to reach the moon with the laser beam Look! The laser is weakening...

The batteries are out... But even with almost no batteries
I'm gonna reach for the moon once more! Check it out! The laser is running outta batteries so it's time to end this video I hope you enjoyed it, guys! If you want to see more laser videos leave many likes on this video and subscribe to the channel Lots of new videos are coming up soon! Right here you can see a couple of
new and very funny videos! Go see them! Once more, you can subscribe below. That's it, guys! Be cool
and see you next time!!!.


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