Sunday, September 23, 2018

Laser Pizza Slicer!10 Ridiculous Tech Items

New channel plan gaming subscribe now link in the description below Why pee be yourself I am Matthias welcome to 10 strange or ridiculous or crazy tech items that may waste your money today I'm joined by Sam From battling universe see that info card right there quick and you're gonna see videos a little something like this I'm gonna use the spell of icy grasp gala. Let's coordinate this right because I was your favorite when you're alive Oh were you though, I did try to save you I did guy I. Shot for you remember that I took a shot be you Cool this is dope check it check it yo, but today. She's picked out 10 tech items that she thinks well I don't know what she thinks about him.

Yeah, we're gonna find out. Yeah, yeah Bhavana let you know whether they're tasteful or wasteful now It's time to click the bell icon If you still have hearing listen to me now it's time to click that Bell icon so get notified when I upload videos So you can be there when I come back within the first 30 minutes, so thank you For em soda can robe ugh robe ugh, what's up wait Star Wars. What's this? That's Cool Wait what bb-8 you can make in Lagos yeah, they released a lot of new service products this past Friday. What? Voice fighting dude yeah.

Oh really I saw it cuz I was at the mall and Before it opened there was like a line outside of Hot Topic No these are dope dude guys. Let me know down in the comments below Would you like to see like a Star Wars themed video I would You know or maybe just like a Star Wars theme channel or something like that or maybe let's just all go watch Star Wars together either or oh Yes soda can robot Is not as cool now, dude I want bb-8 What batkid what you're holding is so weird let's watch this video. Is that a TIE fighter? What is that? Oh? No, that's just I got Star Wars on the brain All right We can move on now. I got that out of my system.

Yeah, okay, let's buy it whatever at the Carter ICU he's trying to start slamming things I don't think this comes with a can So where do I get a cam especially one that looks like that we have one prepared for you really? Build recycle create okay, is this recycling though because recycling means like you're reusing it for a purpose I don't think this is a purpose fun fun is not real Because I'm dead inside Made it for you someone robbed me oh it's already been made. Oh, thank you. I don't have to make Yes Look at this thing how weird I mean? Here's what here? I'm gonna. Give it a fighting chance here All right stick the thing in there like that And then turn it on and then you turn it on right Why does why does there need to be a can in there at all I don't know So why not just shape I think yeah, it just gives it a buggy shape right Here's the thing right when I was a kid And I would build things with my hands way back way back when way back when dude stop we would make things with like all these DC motors and electronics or boxes or Welding or cutting saws and all that good stuff But what we made was usable it wasn't pointless to turn it on with the can in it It's like once you turn it on you immediately want to turn it off.

Hey you're mean you're like Oh, I'm done with it for that reason. I'm gonna say wasteful for a couple other reasons, too RC micro blimp UFO flying saucer see if this thing had like a star warship under Oh, man Yeah, I liked you better Dude, okay. Oh, it's an iPhone connected remote control blimp. That's kind of cool.

That's actually kind of cool You know you can fly it around a noise and people everyone's like a drone and you like no It's not it's a slow-moving blip suck it. I'm allowed to fly this over your house blimp in basics. I. Can't wait dude going to basics man.

Yeah, I don't know the blimp in basics though I have to read that add to cart' microbe one oh It's small I want a bigger That's actually kind of cool-looking Look at that dude. This actually looks like it's made with precision all right So then you just like glue it or something all right, so let's blow this puppy up the idea here Yep, he's raising we use all these tiny little magnets to the counterbalance There we go Okay, so now we connect it to the phone and we flying around Whoa now it's now there's too much weight oh There we go okay. I see it oh I have altitude control Go forward Whoa we're backwards that's backwards. Okay.

That's for me Dude this thing is difficult to steer There we go, okay, so it's really difficult to steer let's see the issue is it's not working right to left yeah, the opposite of how it drum controls all the controls are walking so I'm holding it upside down and now I move up and down beats now This is some control No no no absolutely not this is very very difficult to control I feel like I could get the hang of it I absolutely could because is definitely one of those things where like you have to use it inside this thing? Really crazy dude the slightest gust would just take it away I say that's tasteful because I feel like you know That would have been better than a dope toy um to have like when I was like 10 or 30. Yeah something like that Space scooter right on black what is a space scooter? What is the space scooter? So you just pump it, and it goes oh dang this guy's like I. Feel like that makes things real dangerous, and that's what powers me to that's gonna give your calves ah yeah, okay? I get it dual mode super silent drive system awesome. Dude 149 dollars guys 150,000 mics we buy it we test it we let you guys know whether it's tasteful wasteful I don't know yet But I want to try it out See if you guys are like me and you want to try it out in the seat well give this video a like Okay You Vishu sanitize through ultraviolet light sterilization 15 minutes 99.9 Kill shoe sanitizer, okay, I get it you throw those in your shoes and It sanitizes them.

It's just so funny. I mean if you're at the point where you need to like sanitize your shoes Maybe you should get some new shoes You should get some new shoes. You know I mean, maybe they're talking about only these dress shoes Yeah, I mean where it's like. Uh you know they're like $150 you don't want to like but then again You don't really use them that much gotta sanitize my shoes don't put that nasty bacteria in my toes Toejam is contagious It's a scientific fact.

It's contagious. Dude isn't it Sam? I? Wouldn't know I thought you were telling me about your problem I'm just kidding guys. She doesn't have a toe jam problem. Don't have a toad um problem Actually, I've never seen her toes so it's possible trust me I know Possible anything's possible if you put your mind to it Sam Add to Cart all right here we go shoes Ultraviolet sterilizer do you want to give it a first try on your shoes? I? Mean sure you know what doesn't look like you have socks on so we'll just leave we'll leave the shoes off What oh these are the pole? So weird though Yeah Okay, guys here.

We go watch out. This is UV light. Oh wait. What something's have oh, they're on That is bizarre looking.

Do you smell that all of a sudden? Oh my gosh? I smelled it instantly Right when I turned on just like a burning smell like the bulbs are slightly burnt now - well You don't smell that really bad. Oh, I have a really good. Sense of smoke a smell Smell it wait oh Wait wait till I turn it on like Glass okay, you guys smell that that can't be good instantly right. I told you Yeah, it smells like when you leave like your hair straightener on yeah, or you just left the toe fungus them too much Look look at this up close it looks really cool It looks cool, but that's melons concerning yeah Stinky stinky I'm not putting them on my shoes.

I don't my shoes to catch fire I mean I know UV light kills stuff, but I'd have to read up more on it But it's just it's one of those things where you're just like shine a light on your problems will go away Because I don't really know I mean I'm on the fence you guys decide there's a pole right there Would you use this yes or net yes or no yes or net yes or net all right? Yes, or net full right there. You know you know what to do Ah Yes, the insta 360. We've looked at an insta before on this channel because they sent us one I think they sent us another one Which is pretty cool so $2.99? This is a 360? Camera, and this is I believe one of their new ones alright so this video full disclosure It's not sponsored, but they did send me one But I did really really really like the last one because it was just like Fluid simple it just worked, so let's hope they continue on With that fluidity that simplicity you know we got 4k video. That's cool.

Cuz it's so small 360 photos and videos time-lapse Bluetooth dopes exactly a six axis stabilization bullet time I don't know what that is Whoa? Wait what? That's a bullet time. I guess so you swing it around yourself Dude, that is so cool Alright, let's take a look at this puppy You didn't want to slam it I want to be really careful And I respect that because because she expensive so let's figure out how to do this bullet time thing Sam Cuz that looks really dope look at this camera That is pretty cool. I have slight hesitations about swinging a camera over my head. This is made nice I feel Aluminum here, this is aluminum It feels like aluminum and glass if I'm not mistaken 4k Ultra HD sensor get the heck off of this There we go what's interesting to note here is that the the cameras are not perfectly aligned? So look at this whoa you see that That is so cool And you just swipe it back in there when you'll need it boom and then it's an accessory to your iPhone So let's see what else comes in here ooh.

Look capturing bullet time, okay? Capturing bullet time shots on your insta 361 find the string in connector. Oh sweet here. It is okay I'm assuming yeah, put your finger through the loop at the end of the string grip firmly and swing there We go this is it guys. Oh that thing's not going.

I mean that thing's Not going anywhere, so press it three times in quick succession one two three something's happening And then I think it starts and then it just starts probably right. Yeah, oh It made a noise, okay cool There we go I'm doing it, okay Did it it made it it made a noise pretty sure that's it so we've downloaded the app Plug it in like that There we go sixteen seconds, let's see what we got here guys Dude that's trippy bro see right here I can play different speeds right so I'm gonna do one time speed We're gonna see what that looks like See starts plan or it starts spinning obviously, I'm spinning faster than that, but that's crazy isn't that? That's really cruel cruel, dude. That's so cruel. That's pretty cool.

Just for that feature alone. That's really awesome I say case four Oh heck yeah, dude, I knew there's gonna be something Star Wars related it had to have been that way 6.5 Inch tall stormtrooper mister why I am mister creates an eerie mist of with tap water This is an officially licensed Star Wars product it in case there's any doubt haters This is official alright take a because It looks like someone just cut the top of the head off, that's true, and that's all that's in there just the robot Robot in mists you know the mist is looks like the missus lloyd smoke From when you go to head corals that is big Big as my head Luckily my dick cut off talking about talking weird dude knock man Talking like today strobe sack so now we put Water in so we want to do more than the minimum well look at this It's sputtering Whoa It's misting that's for sure yeah what this is supposed to do is literally supposed to just stop the sputtering But it's not really working is it Probably not. I feel like that could kind of be cool for like Halloween yeah You pee yourself That's better do it oh? All right, I'm over a dude, maybe have wet pants kill it kill it with fire Boon glow nightlight with portable balls, but I don't understand Why is this alien thing a thing? Come on you're gonna sleep on a bunch of balls that seems like the most uncountable thing Okay, I get it I get it. It's a glow-in-the-dark ball You sleep with it to keep away the bad monsters and the bad juju he's into it, though He's like give me at that ball.

All right. I get it Add to Cart I Just don't understand sleeping yeah I Mean sleeping with them. I can see how they can sell it to kids as a Mike Yeah as a nightlight like they last for 30 minutes. So hopefully that's enough time for you to fall for you Yeah, I get that I totally get that however.

I mean. Oh, they're really light They'll move around okay. My thing is like it's gonna be difficult to sleep on a bunch of balls Okay, thank you sleep on this keyword like next to you, okay Yeah, you put it next to you have you ever like put something next to you and then fell asleep You end up rolling over it Every time every time let's see these puppies blow. Oh there you go Okay, okay, so the sliding lever on the bottom allows me to change colors of the balls How long I have to let it sit I must have to absorb the light a lot bit yeah important dead wrong side Important to make the balls glow the glow balls are Two minutes so we need these balls on their pedestals for two minutes, so here's the deal.

They're only gonna ever glow green Because that's the glow-in-the-dark color. I know doesn't it shake you up yeah Yeah, do you want me to prove to ya wait? It's been two minutes. It's for sure been two minutes ready watch They're only green and if I even turn off this light you will see They're green that's the issue with this product you stink of poo poo I. Mean it looks kind of cool.

I wish I really I think that would have been really really cool. Had they glowed like Intensely, I'm gonna have to say wasteful. Sorry guys Tactical laser-guided pizza cutter, you know what that means Sam It looks like whoever took this picture though, it's like slightly blurry and like motion blur they're like a little too much pizza Maybe maybe a little west beats the next time before you market your product huh where's my grandson's favorite Christmas gift, okay Add to Cart I'm sold Oh magic Okay, obviously. This is crazy unnecessary class to laser.

Why though I would have I would assume That it's only for like you know how like a level works against the wall and like gosh. Yeah guidance. Yeah, that's the word yeah But now I'm starting to get a different impression with the intensity of this laser What you know what that is? This is like for a gun? Yeah, the railings. That's what that is wailing.

Thank you, Sam See this right here if we zoom in we can see this little riveted piece what that's going to do I assume is going to disperse the laser in a wine right because otherwise it would just be a dot. Oh, okay Yeah, right assume I assume. It's film. Yes.

Oh Yep, I'm right. Oh Also, if it's in the dark you know, but true this darkness situation if you're in a darkness situation where you're like I need pizza Okay, so yeah this is for. This is for guidance and what's cool is that pretty much any any way you slice it? Ya? Still gonna be there alright, let's put this puppy to the test am I right yeah, alright, Sam Look at that this pizza looks like it's been uncut so let's see how straight. I can do this alright Let's turn off the lights here Or let's push this back a little and turn off the lights here to get that sweet sweet laser my laser.

I'm gonna I'm gonna I'm gonna put it on this pepperoni. I'm gonna try and keep it on this pepperoni I'm doing it, dude All the way through Dude that I don't know that's a pretty straight, that's a solid cut though, that's a solid cut Okay, let's see how straight I can get it. I'm gonna go this half pepperoni imma stay on that See my angle is a little off It's okay now I know yeah, I've learned my lesson so clearly that's your slice, okay Look at that clean cut though that ain't no joke does Dave a fan guys Dave we're all Eight bytes before you can swallow my word do you want the rest hair sample here? I? Feel like I feel like you'll be good now does your mom feed you I? Hear if you don't eat enough you get toe jam Guys before we get into that next product make sure you give that big ole Subscribe button down below a big ol kiss for me right looks like this now when you kiss. It'll look like that right boom Netherland DC 12-volt car LED prager programmable showcase message sign scrollable display lighting board with mow Cheese you're gonna.

Give me an aneurysm with that title What happened wait I guess we can program it to be whatever we want Message lack of creativity right there Let's try it out Add to Cart All right, yeah, don't worry. I'll handle this No door you just eat your pizza, Sam. Oh, this is thinner than I thought it was gonna be so I guess What are the suction cups for maybe like a storefront? Yeah, or your car? Screw what look it came with a car charger thing It literally wants you to do it a car in a car first because I have to do this To plug it into the wall wow That's one way to do it Honestly how I wish I could eat pizza. You know if your mother were here right now She would tell you to cut it and slice it and dice it.

She'd be ashamed How do I do this Oh Insert delete Where's space I was gonna spell out. I don't have time for this honestly. That would've taken so long But I don't have time for it uh Alright, if you have road rage. This is gonna be a great product for you.

It clearly works because they got it to work but it's Taking me up cuz I can't figure it out in two seconds to show you But it clearly worked, so I'm gonna say tasteful if you need to put out your aggression into the world I don't recommend it cuz you can probably get in some fights You know fault people might follow you to your house and beat you up but Whatever you want to do. That's up to you. Yeh? Sleep tailor Yodo comfortable contoured, I'm asked HiFi stereo Headphone embedded sleep mask. I actually have one of these you do Yes, I mean It's a little bit more rudimentary than this this guy looks like he's from the future which would complete my own sambal yeah Right, but I actually had one Well this one looks more padded see the only issue with these types of things is that the speaker's Sometimes are like too thick and when you want to lay on your side, and you got big ears like these honkers It presses him down and it hurts, but this looks good.

Let's try it Add to Cart All right, this is the test oh Oh, I just pressed in on this just to be Helen. I think I broke something in it Do I look like I'm from the future? It's not bad The only issue I have with it is the fact that my ears really stick out so They get sore if they're pressed too much. I mean I make them. Let me see your ears Yeah, you're use are pretty far in yeah So it's not gonna be a big issue for you with like this kind of thing.

You know look my ears They stick out like crazy dude, so these kind of things are really sore alright. Let's let's hear To myself right now This definitely helped me fall asleep Wow not great speakers Really really not great speakers like they have no mids or lows in them whatsoever so for that reason I'm gonna say wasteful Just because it's like I don't know if you listen if you want to listen to music before you go to bed You don't want tinny you know that tinny sound You know you gotta like get deep into that music you know have some of that soulful bass in there. No Sam get moved into sleep See that video right there that is five tech items under $10 And I show you guys some links because they're pretty Weird or crazy tech gadgets you decide let me know by clicking it, and I'll see you over there high-five.

Laser Pizza Slicer!10 Ridiculous Tech Items

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