Thursday, August 30, 2018

How To Make a Laser Party

Hey guys! Welcome back, thanks for joining us today on The King of Random. Today we're going to be looking at how to build your very own laser light show that is perfectly synced with the music. This is a pretty easy project that you can do with some basic supplies in a single afternoon. All the supplies we'll need is a number 10 can, some normal balloons either some small mirrors or a single mirror that you can cut into smaller pieces, some double-sided tape and a laser pointer.

Now we have all of our supplies, let's start building. First, we need our number 10 can with the top and bottom removed, so we just have a metal cylinder this particular can is full of rice So I'm gonna cut off the lid, pour off the rice into a container to save it for later and then cut off the bottom. March 21st 1996. I don't know if that's when its packaged or it's theoretically expired.

Probably packaged. I don't think it expires really. It's rice With the top and bottom cut off of our can, we want to take a balloon and stretch it over the mouth of the can. The first step is we're going to blow the balloon up almost as much as it will go.

Now it's stretched out, and we'll have an easier time fitting over the can. We want to cut it about 1/2 of the total balloon length down, not at the very widest part, but just above that. Stretching the balloon over the mouth is going to be a lot easier if you have another pair of hands to help. Once it's stretched into place, use a little bit of electrical tape around the edge to keep it from coming off.

Now if your goal is just to make yourself a miniature drum, congratulations! You're done. However, we're trying to make a laser light show. So we're not quite there yet. The next step is we need to attach about a one-inch square piece of mirror to our latex balloon.

Most types of mirrors are made from glass and it's hard to cut them, but this type is made from plastic because it's designed to be used in the shower. I guess it's protection in case it drops. Since its plastic, we're gonna see if we can cut through it and just make a piece about that size. Now that the fact that it's cracking like that gives me an idea.

I'm gonna try and score it with a knife and see if I can break it along that line, instead of using a saw. Although, that was working Alright. Here goes... Huh, well it broke.

Just not where I thought it was going to. There we go. I'm gonna try throwing this in the vise and see if that will help give me a cleaner edge to break along. There we have it, I'm just going use some sandpaper to clean at the edges There we have it.

Our one-inch square piece of mirror. Now we're just going to attach that to the centre of the balloon using some double-sided tape. Reach inside and make sure it's pressed nicely down on there. Now we know it's gonna stick, no problem.

Now with the mirror attached, we have the basis for what we're going to use to make our laser light show work. We're going to set this can up in front of a speaker and when the air waves coming out of the speaker hit the rubber, it's going to make it vibrate. The laser pointer will be shining right on the mirror and reflecting onto the wall. As the latex vibrates with the music, the pattern on the wall will move in some sort of spirograph patterns that match the vibrations of the sound we listening to.

First, let's take a little bit of electrical tape and wrap it tightly around the button so the laser pointer stays on. There are lots of options of how to keep your laser pointed nicely at your mirror, but since I had some rice, I poured some into a plate and I'll use that to hold my laser still as it points to the mirror. We know our setup works, let's try it with some music. Heh, that is great Our laser light show is working pretty well, but we want to take it to the next level so what we have here is a fog machine and then we're gonna turn off some of the lights as well.

Let's see how this works.  Music  Quick update, we've had a few upgrades. We've added another can in front of another speaker and instead of the one little laser that we had before, we have this brighter green laser, we have this purple laser and we also have this extremely powerful blueish green laser. [AHH!! MY EYES!! HALP!] So we're gonna get all three of those pointed at the mirrors reflecting onto the walls, and then crank up the music.

Well, I've melted a couple small holes into my balloon with my mega powerful laser, so let's get the music started before anything else goes wrong. Power already died. [RIP Blue Laser 2017 - 2017] There you go. Now you know how to take a number ten can, a balloon and a mirror to make your very own laser light show? You can get laser pointers online for surprisingly cheap.

We've got a couple links down in the description for you can get some. Thanks for joining us for this project today, and we look forward to the next one. Talk to you then. That smells kinda funny...

Man...So that powerful blue laser. I just I would miss the mirror, just a little bit while I was setting it up and it just kind of melted holes in the balloon immediately. I've got four little holes going on. I think that also messed with the sound vibration because some of the air was able to get out so it stopped moving the mirror of quite as much.

You right there. The one who just watched this video to the end. You are the reason that we work so hard to make these videos. It's for people like you.

Thank you very kindly for being as supportive as you are. You keep watching the videos and we'll keep making more..

How To Make a Laser Party

Sunday, August 26, 2018

How lasers work (in theory)

To make a laser, all you need to do is give
a big collection of atoms enough energy so they're excited and ready to emit light. Once
one of them spontaneously emits a photon, it'll stimulate some of the others to do so,
and you get a nice cascade of illumination. But instead of letting all the light escape,
it's more powerful to trap it between two mirrors and let it to bounce back and forth
through the atoms. All that passing light will stimulate them to emit even more light,
and as long as you keep on re-exciting the atoms, they're happy to go on emitting light

But why do the atoms emit light just because
another photon passes by? It's actually pretty simple. Imagine flipping two coins:
they can either be in the same state, or in different states. But photons aren't like coins - no matter
how hard you try, you can't tell one apart from another. So in a "photon-flipping" experiment,
that means there's only one way for them to be in different states, but two ways for them
to be in the same state.

So they're more likely to be in the same state, and in general, this
implies that photons always want to be like other photons - to have the same phase, polarization,
and go in the same direction. And what's more amazing is that if a solitary
photon passes by an excited atom that could emit another photon, there's a good chance
it will emit one. Because the two photons want be together - even BEFORE the second
one exists. So once you have all these friendly photons
bouncing around between the mirrors, you can just open up a little hole at the end and
let out a blinding stream of coherent light: a laser beam.

To see lasers in action, check out this sweet
episode of "Smarter Every Day" showing a laser you can stick your hand inside! They also
have a bunch of other cool science videos. To see lasers in action, check out this episode
of showing a laser you can stick your hand inside! And if you like it, he also has a
bunch of other cool science videos..

How lasers work (in theory)

Wednesday, August 22, 2018

How Lasers Work (in practice) - Smarter Every Day 33

Hey it's me, Destin. Welcome
to Smarter Every Day. So I'm in the Netherlands today and I'm hanging out with a buddy of mine
that I met through a research project. His name is Johan Kr...

- Reinink.
- That. So, anyway, Johan is a laser expert, and I've worked with him
on stuff on the Internet. So we're going to show you
how lasers work today. [Music] (Destin) So this is an
open cavity laser, and can you explain the main components
of an open cavity laser? - Here we have the laser tube, with a helium-neon gas
that amplifies the light, and we have at both ends mirrors that are
aligned to bounce the light back and forth.

- Should we fire it up?
- Definitely. [Click] (Johan) There's a 4 second delay.
It's a safety feature. - Alright. Sweet.

(Johan) Well a helium-neon laser
tube is just a glorified neon light. It's just... You have the electrical
discharge going through it, like a neon sign, And the special thing is you
have here two aperatures, and the light can bounce straight through. So at both sides of the laser tube we've
placed two high reflecting mirrors, and the light that goes through
the laser tube hits the mirror and bounces back in forth through the tube.

And each time it passes the
tube it gets amplified. You make this mirror slightly
transparent - it's 2% transparent - and each time the light passes, 2% moves out and you have,
like, a beam going on here. - Okay, so basically what comes
out the other end of the mirror is the imperfection in the mirror. If it was a perfect mirror we wouldn't
get any output from the laser, correct? - Correct.
- But because the mirrors are imperfect we do get a little lasing.
- Yep.

In this case, the laser is just
specifically made to reflect only 98%, and this is the 2% of the
light that comes out. (Destin) Alright, one thing I've
noticed is that inside the cavity the beam is much stronger. You can see the laser hitting
particles in the air. But downstream the photons that
are leaking out of the mirror...

It's not quite as strong. Is that correct?
- Yeah. The light circulating inside the
laser is far higher intensity. And if you hold your hand outside
of the laser and block the beam, you see that you catch the beam.
It looks pretty nice.

But if you hold your
hand inside the cavity, you'll block the laser from
amplifying all the light and the light won't circulate around,
and you don't have a laser anymore. (Destin) So it stops way on the other side. Even though we're stopping
it on this side of the tube, we don't get lasing on the other side. I'm waiting on photon torpedo
technology myself, so...

- I'm working on it.
- You're working on it? Excellent. But anyway, we want to
thank Johan for his time, and uh... Can you thank the
people who let us in, in Dutch? - Absolutely. (Destin) What...

Did you
just call me something? - Nee... Absolutely not.
[Both laugh] (Destin) Do you wanna get even smarter? Then check out this video by MinutePhysics. Henry explains what's going on
inside that helium-neon tube in one of his cool science videos. [Music] (Destin) We're going to do Laser Month.

Laser Month consists of a lot of videos
shot over here in Holland with Johan, Because he is a laser genius.
Can I call you a laser genius? - Definitely.
[Destin laughs] Alright, so now we're going
to play laser limbo, ready? - No.
- Why not? - It's dangerous.
- Aw, c'mon, laser limbo. Captioning in different languages welcome.
Please contact Destin if you can help..

How Lasers Work (in practice) - Smarter Every Day 33

Saturday, August 18, 2018

How a Laser Works

How a Laser Works EngineerGuy Series #4 For years lasers have been a hallmark of science fiction yet much of our technology today depends on them Range finding devices, optical communications, and of course, bar code scanners. The unique characteristics of laser light make all these things possible. However, its use by eye surgeons to reattach retinas highlights them all. Injury can cause the eye's retina to peel away from the tissue supporting it.

Without rapid treatment the entire retina can become detached causing blindness. Surgeons use green laser light of nearly a single wavelength because that color passes through the eye's lens and vitreous humor without being strongly absorbed, and thus without causing damage. The laser beam then strikes the retina where the tissue strongly absorbs that light, using the high intensity light to weld the detached retina back into place. The beam's narrowness allows the surgeon to affect only the area of the retina that needs to be repaired areas as small as 30 microns.

How a laser creates light with these three characteristics is a tour de force of engineering. Let me show you. Any glow-in-the-dark toy can illustrate the basic principles of creating laser light. This glows because the zinc-copper based compound coating the inside can absorb energy from a light source and then later radiate it as light.

The light provides energy to electrons in the coating promoting them to higher energy levels. Once the light is off, these electrons slowly lose their added energy and return to their lower energy ground states. The energy lost is given off as light. A closely related phenomena lies at the heart of a laser.

Let me tell you about the engineering in the very first laser based on ruby. Here I have a tiny piece of ruby and some red colored glass beads. When I shine the blue light on the glass beads nothing much happens but shine it on the ruby and it glows red. Unlike the glow-in-the-dark ball the light appears immediately and when I shut off the blue light it disappears.

In 1960, Ted Maiman demonstrated the first laser by taking a cylinder of ruby and surrounding it with a xenon arc flash lamp used in aerial photography. An intense burst of light from the lamp initiates lasing. To see how it works let's look at what happens with a weaker lamp. A flash would promote a few electrons from the ground state to an excited state.

They'd lose a bit of energy fall to a lower energy state without emitting light and then drop from there to the ground state giving off a burst of light. The light produced would be incoherent light a spectrum of colors and intensities just as my small laser made the ruby sphere glow. To create a laser takes an extremely powerful lamp. In the ruby laser repeated flashes called pumping make something amazing happens.

They supply so much energy that a population inversion occurs Here more electrons in the energy level just above the ground state than in the ground state. Electrons from a population inversion returning to the ground state release light that starts an avalanche called stimulated emission. The photon produced when an electron decays induces other excited electrons to simultaneously decay and release nearly identical photons. That creates coherent light meaning that the crests and troughs of every light wave in the beam match up.

Now, at this point we have coherent light but not yet the other two properties of laser light. To get a narrow beam with all the light rays parallel and of a nearly single wavelength requires an addition to the ruby rod. Maiman silvered the ends to reflect the light within the ruby cylinder. He made the two ends of the rod astonishingly parallel to each other From top to bottom the distance between these two mirrors differs by no more than 200 nanometers.

Inside this resonant cavity, two things happen. First, any light rays that don't line up with the axis eventually just exit out the side of the cylinder. And the light parallel to the axis becomes intensified and narrowed in wavelength. The mirrored ends create a standing wave which means only light of particular wavelengths can exist inside the cavity.

By choosing the rod length correctly we can get the nearly single wavelength of light characteristic of a laser. A small hole in one of the mirrors or a partially silvered mirror allows the light to escape creating the familiar beam. Now, since the first Ruby laser was created lasers have become easy and cheap to manufacture. For instance this laser pointer uses a semiconductor diode to produce light.

Although many innovations and improvements have occurred since 1960 the essential principles are the same. I'm Bill Hammack, the engineer guy. This video is based on a chapter in the book Eight Amazing Engineering Stories. The chapter features more information about this subject.

Learn more about the book at the address below..

How a Laser Works

Tuesday, August 14, 2018

From The Depths Laser Tutorial

Hey guys Ballparkkenan here and today
we'll be learning about lasers and how to build them. We'll be making a
weaponized laser system and a laser anti munition system. First we'll place the
multi-purpose laser. This is the main component of a laser system.

This shows
you some important things such as the lasers damage output, the amount of
energy the laser has and the AP value of the laser. Next we'll place some laser
connectors. These are used to connect the following
components, the multi-purpose laser, Laser coupler,
laser combiner, laser missile defense and the laser transceiver. With the
connectors placed, will place the laser coupler.

These take power from the laser
cavities, that will place in a second, and send it to the multi-purpose laser for
use. Each coupler makes their own laser and then they're combined in the
multi-purpose laser. For this example I'll place two but you can place as many
as you like. I placed them two bucks apart to allow for the laser pumps.

Next you
have the option of placing Q switches. You can add up to four of these and they
attach to the couplers. These make your laser firing pulses rather than in a
continuous beam. This gives your laser a small amount of time to recharge it
between pulses.

Every cue switch you add will increase the rate of fire by one, one cue
switch will make your laser fire once per second, two cue switches will make
your laser fire two times a second and so on. Next we'll place the laser cavities.
These attach to couplers and rows and store 100 units of energy each. The more
of these you have the more energy is available to your multi-purpose laser.
Which increases its damage output. You also have the option to use a single
laser cavity instead.

I can't really recommend them as you get more out of 4
pumps with each cavity and a storage cavity. The storage cavity stores 40
times the energy capacity of the regular cavities but the laser pumps can't
connect to it. With the cavities placed will place the laser pumps. There are two
versions you can place.

The laser pump and the 3 meter laser pump. The 3 meter
laser pump is just a more powerful version of the regular laser pump.
They take engine power and convert it into energy the cavities can use. The
laser pump uses 100 energy power to make 50 laser energy. The 3 meter pump uses
300 engine power to make 150 laser energy.

These attach to the top bottom
and sides of your laser cavities. You want to use just enough of them to keep
your laser charged when it's firing. If you use too many you'll waste engine power.
Which may or may not be a concern to you. Next we have the option of placing laser
to stabilizers and frequency doublers.

These are both placed in line with the
laser cavities. The laser destabilizer increases the amount of laser energy
used, which increases the amount of damage the laser can do. The downside to
this is that the laser may not be able to recharge fast enough, to keep up with
the greater energy drain. This will result in a very rapid decrease in
damage output.

To fix this you can place two, three
meter laser pumps on each cavity. If your laser pumps still can't keep up, add a
single laser pump and if that doesn't work try removing a few too destabilizers.
Another option would be reducing the number of laser combiners or munition
defense blocks. The destabilizers can be quite useful and make your laser more
space efficient. Just make sure your laser pumps can keep up with the energy

With that said I would still use as few of these as possible as the higher
damage boost they give becomes outweighed by their high energy
consumption. The frequency doubler increases the armor-piercing value of
your laser. How high this number should be is dependent on what your laser will
be shooting at. Look at the armor value of the block your laser will be shooting.
Your laser should have an AP value of 2 more than the armor value of the block.
For example, if your laser is shooting at metal blocks which have an armor value
of 15 your laser should have an AP value of 17.

This is just a recommendation and
you can get away with an AP value lower or higher than the blocks armor. Now we
can place the laser combiner. This is what weaponize the laser and is
essentially the lasers version of an advanced cannon firing piece. We won't be
able to fire laser yet as we haven't connected it to our multi-purpose laser.
Multiple combiners will divide two laser damage between them.

If your laser does
200 damage to combiners will do 100 damage apiece. You can also place a laser
color and a wavefront adjuster. The laser color gives you the ability to change
the size and color of your laser. It can be placed on the sides top bottom or
back of your laser combiner.

The wavefront adjuster trades some of your
combiners damage for a small amount of shield and smoke piercing. It connects to
the top bottom back or sides of the laser combiner. Finally we can place some laser
optics to make our laser more accurate. We can also place a laser steering
optics to give the laser a greater field of fire.

Next we'll connect our laser combiner to
our laser system. To do this you can use the laser connector or the laser transceiver. The laser
transceiver connects the lasers to other components without the need to be
physically connected. This connection can also pass through blocks.

The transceiver
can receive the laser connection from all of it's sides but can only transmit
from the top. To connect laser combiners on turrets, place the laser transceiver
in the middle of the turret block and then place one below the turret
block. With the laser combiner connected you'll
be able to fire and test your laser. Remember, if your laser is running out of
energy you'll need to either remove some or all of the laser just stabilizers add
more laser pumps or decrease the number of laser combiners.

To make a laser anti
munition system or LAMs, you will need to place the laser munition defense
block. These have a hundred and eighty degree field of view so make sure they
can see what you want them to shoot at. These are treated as combiners so the
laser damage is divided between them. You'll want to try and place as few as possible.
I'd recommend that the laser used for these do at least 250 damage per
munition defense block and have a minimum ap value of 10.

A laser below
this damage will have a hard time shooting down multiple incoming shells
and missiles. As for the number of Q. Switches you should have I prefer to use
4 Q switches as they make the laser more energy efficient. Next will need to place
some munition warners.

These detect incoming projectiles and allow your
laser defense to fire on them. You want to place at least one of these in each
direction and make sure they're connected to your vehicle's AI. With that done your laser defense system
will be able to engage enemy munitions. You can also use passive radar and
passive sonar to detect incoming missiles and torpedoes.

Although this
doesn't replace the munition warner's. Keep in mind that in order for the
passive radar to work, the missile will need to use an active radar seeker. Your laser system will now be able to
engage torpedoes. Lastly, I'd recommend having a set of batteries with an electric motor to provide extra power when the laser is used.

This will help
deal with the power spikes the laser causes. Lasers can have multiple laser
cavities spread throughout a vehicle and be linked with transceivers. This is
useful for redundancy or to make powerful lasers within vehicles that
have space constraints. If you have both a weaponized laser system and a defense
laser system, I'd recommend you have two separate multi-purpose lasers so they
aren't competing with each other over laser energy.

I hope this video gave you
a better idea of how lasers work and how to build them. If you have any questions
put them in the comments below. Thanks for watching!!.

From The Depths Laser Tutorial

Friday, August 10, 2018

FAQ Miter Saw Laser Adjustment

(Light upbeat music) - Hi, I'm Patrick with Ryobi Power Tools. Today I'm gonna show you how to adjust the laser guide on your
Ryobi Quarter Miter Saw. I'll be demonstrating on
a Ryobi model TSS 102L. But the steps are the same for most models of Ryobi Quarter Miter
Saws with laser guides.

To do the adjustment
you'll need a padlock. With the saw unplugged make sure the miter and bevel angles
are set to zero degrees. Using the work clamp secure a piece of material up against the miter fence. Plug the saw back in and make a slight cut, scoring the wood.

Allow the blade to come to a complete stop and raise it back up. Unplug the saw and use your padlock to lock the switch trigger. This will protect against
accidental starting. Plug the saw back in and
turn on the laser guide.

Using the laser adjustment screw turn either clockwise or counterclockwise. The laser is properly aligned when it's lined up with the left edge of the kerf. Once your laser is adjusted and aligned properly you
can remove the padlock. We hope this has been helpful for you.

As always make sure you're wearing the proper safety gear when
you're ready to get to work. If you'd like tips and project
ideas for your Miter Saw visit Ryobitools.Com
and check out Tools 101..

FAQ Miter Saw Laser Adjustment

Monday, August 6, 2018


     Look at her, look at her stance you guys need to study the stance because Mama knows her stuff. Look at this laser field! Whoo! Are you ready to go under some scary lasers? Yes Are you ready to defuse a bomb? I was born ready! Are you ready to defuse a bomb? YEA! Today we are going to have a Chrono Bomb Challenge! This is Chrono Bomb and the wonderful people at Patch sent us this game and we are gonna play it today. We're gonna have a little challenge. Chrono bomb is a fun little game here...

You have to cross the laser field before it's too late. You guys ready for a little challenge? Do you guys like my Super Spy Pants? They're my Super Spy Pants. Let's open it up, lets see what we have here. Let's see what we got in this baby! Laser beam, obviously it's not a real laser beam because if they were real laser beams how much would this game cost Mama Bee.

Eight million dollars. The game would cost eight million dollars if they were real laser beams. So there are strings that look like lasers and they're gonna be connected to the bomb and we're gonna try it. What we're gonna do is hook up these clips and we're gonna have a Chrono Bomb Challenge, okay? Let's go hook this up to the other room.

Let's do this! We have our laser field set up here. What do you guys think? Oooooooooooh This is a very... Complex laser field because you have to go over and under the laser field to defuse the bomb that is set up over here. Mama Bee's all set up, she's got her heist clothes, until your heist your super spy heist clothes Wow, whoa, if this was a heist clothes competition Mama Bee would win, I think.

I got my heist hat on, I got my wolfie shirt, and I have my heist pants. So, if I was going to do a heist, I would be wearing this getup right now. Mister Monkey's got his slickity slick going on. That's his super heist slickity slick hair.

Miss Monkey's already trying out the little course here, she's got her heist pants. I think we're all ready to go. We're ready for this! Let's pretend this is a heist, and we're trying to defuse the bomb which is set up over there. So you have one minute to go through the laser field and even if you hit the string you can keep going, it just cuts the time a little bit So if you hit the lasers keep going! Don't stop! Don't stop! Finish it! Complete the mission! Who wants to go first? Ohh...

We're gonna get... Mister Monkey! He's gonna go first. Are you ready? Set.. There you go! That's OK Monkey, go ahead! Let's go monkey lets go! Let's go Mr.

Monkey lets go! Woah! Good job, Mister Monkey! 12 Seconds to go! Mister Monkey goes up and over the laser beams! Now Miss monkey is gonna go! There you go miss monkey! Ooh! Miss Monkey! 11 Seconds! So far Mister Monkey's in the lead! Oh! Mister Monkey, Mister Monkey's in the lead! But guess what? Mama Bee's next. Oh! Here comes Mama Bee! Mama Bee, are you ready? We have to be, oh look at her look at her stance. You guys need to study the stance because Mama... Knows her stuff look at this laser field! Whoo! Ready...

Set 25 seconds! Oh, Mama Bee's the new champion! Mama Bee, is in the lead! She saved the whole team because she's the quickest, she's the super sleuthiest so far. She's a super spy: Mama Bee. Wow, well, you know what?Well, you are in the Chrono Bomb lead right now, Mrs. Mama Bee.

You guys need to take some notes here. This is education. Mama Bee has got the skills. She knows how to go up and over the laser field and defuse that bomb.

Maybe you guys know a little bit of math and a little bit of science, but what's also important is to go through a laser field once in a while and defuse a bomb. But guess what? It's Papa's time. Oh! As a bonus, I'm going to draw some mission cards and I'm going to go ahead and pick up a camera, a flash drive and I'm going to pick up some gloves on the way. What do you guys think about that? Mama Bee, do you want to do the honors and press that button for me? Of course.

Ready.. Set.. Go! I have to be more gentle because the laser field is very- oh, whoopsa! Oh man, dude! Maybe I'm too slick. The bomb just went off guys.

I just blew the heist. That hat is not very lucky. I don't think it's a very lucky hat. Thank you again for watching and thank you to the folks at Patch Products for hooking us up with Chrono Bomb.

We're gonna keep playing I got to learn, I got some skills. And Mama Bee's got the skills to pay the bills. Oh yeah, so Mama Bee gets to do the winning dance. Yeah! Are you ready to defuse a bomb? Yes!.


Thursday, August 2, 2018

Can a Laser Cut Hair

Okay so a couple problems I see so far is the laser is just burning straight into the skull (duh) Hi it's me and i've got way too much hair and i've also got now a tiny laser Normally my mom cuts my hair I'm embarrassed from saying that okay? Well I feel embarrassed saying that but whatever. I decided to switch things up and we'll try to use the laser to do it zI think, we'll just kind of take it off it's mount and kilter it out. No focusing or anything. Put a spinning chair right here and you can spin.

Everyone's probably saying it's a terrible idea and you shouldn't do it And I agree but I still think we should test it let's go to the store. So i'm thinking we'll take one of these we don't need, but this is just showing you what the end product kind of like hopefully what the hair ends up looking like. Just a nice high contrast line Then we need hair where *Drops fake head rip* Let's get a wig. Let's see if they have wigs here That's a picture frame.

We could make a wig with like yarn uGh Unless we can find a wig. We're gonna ask someone but I don't think they have a wigs here AHHHH Okay, let's unscrew the tube. It's held in with these, like pipe looking things, and we're just gonna See what they can, do about it point it sideways It's like right out here Oh also, don't do this. I'm a trained.

Professional Don't look at me like that There's gotta be a better way to do this.This is really bad. Let's just make it look, safe and then we'll cut to  it that way it kind of looks like we knew exactly what to do? Alright so this is our setup We got our safety cardboard and our safety metal pipe and that holds this nice and secure-ish and so now we need, a spinning platform and a wig. Let's take another quick moment to check out the condiment machine. I think the reason i've been keeping, is i'm like What if in the future we decided to make another machine that makes hamburgers or hot dogs, we could reuse this and I'm not gonna reuse it because it's disgusting So I really should just throw it away I'm not really sure where it was going with that let's go get the spinning chair dadadada [ MUSIC ] dude I think we might be geniuses.

We get a clamp? Now we need another clamp shove this oh there's a hole in it wow uh yeah, so Good. Now we just got to find the thor wig. Maybe it's in the shed. Oh no WHa-


thor wig Where's the thor wig Oh no.

Oh no! Our strawberry vase Oh no! Oh Yea My dad broke the strawberry vase And all we have is a strawberry top hat now. That was our garbage can for the hot dog video and now it's gone forever look it he didn't even tell me. He like probably tried to dispose of the evidence and Hey did you break my strawberry vase. Oh you did, you threw it away.

Ohh Thanks I appreciate it. Goodbye Thanks dad! But where is it? You know what whatever, we got better things to, do and it's starting to rain, how About, we find the thor wig and then come back Oh man [ Music ] So we found our thor wig, which I think is actually maybe an elsa wig but just try to straighten it out We're just gonna lop it off, oh Oh yeah Also I kind of feel we should make up the doll so it looks more human. Holy crap this is a lot of hair Jeez Oh my god come on Wow this hurts my fingers Hey you can't even tell Well. Maybe a little bit Hey it's me  L O G A N  P A U L.

I'm sorry! I'm so sorry! This is horrifying Coolant flowing! This is such a stupid idea. Are we ready? Um, okay. Oh that's very Yellow. So a couple problems I see so far is the laser is just burning straight into the skull It's on fire.

That's not a part of the plan I can't tell if it's cutting hair or if it's cutting into the skull Definitely into the skull, back here. It simply peels right off This is very good progress you know, not every invention is a success at first. This isn't even real hair Oh it looks like a really, bushy, eyebrow Oh god. It's like the same color as the fake hair Oh it smells.

Wow! That smells really bad! I'm starting to think we'd call it quits, and just finish the job the old-fashioned way with a pair of scissors  -  minus some minor fifth and sixth-degree burns This hairstyle is pretty dope I just got my hair cut. They didn't let us film inside. Could you salvage this What would you turn this into [Natalie]- A pixee? [William]- Yeah [Natalie]- Maybe [William]- Or just shave it off and let it all grow out again Technique could have been better. From a wearable standpoint Like a -10.

[William]- Okay, I was hoping for something above a 2 but. Do you want to keep gary Sure! Yes! Now I don't have to throw it away! [Natalie]- Thanks for letting me cut your hair! [William]- Thanks for cutting my hair, oh leave a leave recommendation if you've got something that, we can, stick in a laser Put in the comments. Like the good old days! Alright, see ya Oh! Hello! You ever stop and think about what your doing with your life (Subtitles by Alex).

Can a Laser Cut Hair