Tuesday, August 14, 2018

From The Depths Laser Tutorial

Hey guys Ballparkkenan here and today
we'll be learning about lasers and how to build them. We'll be making a
weaponized laser system and a laser anti munition system. First we'll place the
multi-purpose laser. This is the main component of a laser system.

This shows
you some important things such as the lasers damage output, the amount of
energy the laser has and the AP value of the laser. Next we'll place some laser
connectors. These are used to connect the following
components, the multi-purpose laser, Laser coupler,
laser combiner, laser missile defense and the laser transceiver. With the
connectors placed, will place the laser coupler.

These take power from the laser
cavities, that will place in a second, and send it to the multi-purpose laser for
use. Each coupler makes their own laser and then they're combined in the
multi-purpose laser. For this example I'll place two but you can place as many
as you like. I placed them two bucks apart to allow for the laser pumps.

Next you
have the option of placing Q switches. You can add up to four of these and they
attach to the couplers. These make your laser firing pulses rather than in a
continuous beam. This gives your laser a small amount of time to recharge it
between pulses.

Every cue switch you add will increase the rate of fire by one, one cue
switch will make your laser fire once per second, two cue switches will make
your laser fire two times a second and so on. Next we'll place the laser cavities.
These attach to couplers and rows and store 100 units of energy each. The more
of these you have the more energy is available to your multi-purpose laser.
Which increases its damage output. You also have the option to use a single
laser cavity instead.

I can't really recommend them as you get more out of 4
pumps with each cavity and a storage cavity. The storage cavity stores 40
times the energy capacity of the regular cavities but the laser pumps can't
connect to it. With the cavities placed will place the laser pumps. There are two
versions you can place.

The laser pump and the 3 meter laser pump. The 3 meter
laser pump is just a more powerful version of the regular laser pump.
They take engine power and convert it into energy the cavities can use. The
laser pump uses 100 energy power to make 50 laser energy. The 3 meter pump uses
300 engine power to make 150 laser energy.

These attach to the top bottom
and sides of your laser cavities. You want to use just enough of them to keep
your laser charged when it's firing. If you use too many you'll waste engine power.
Which may or may not be a concern to you. Next we have the option of placing laser
to stabilizers and frequency doublers.

These are both placed in line with the
laser cavities. The laser destabilizer increases the amount of laser energy
used, which increases the amount of damage the laser can do. The downside to
this is that the laser may not be able to recharge fast enough, to keep up with
the greater energy drain. This will result in a very rapid decrease in
damage output.

To fix this you can place two, three
meter laser pumps on each cavity. If your laser pumps still can't keep up, add a
single laser pump and if that doesn't work try removing a few too destabilizers.
Another option would be reducing the number of laser combiners or munition
defense blocks. The destabilizers can be quite useful and make your laser more
space efficient. Just make sure your laser pumps can keep up with the energy

With that said I would still use as few of these as possible as the higher
damage boost they give becomes outweighed by their high energy
consumption. The frequency doubler increases the armor-piercing value of
your laser. How high this number should be is dependent on what your laser will
be shooting at. Look at the armor value of the block your laser will be shooting.
Your laser should have an AP value of 2 more than the armor value of the block.
For example, if your laser is shooting at metal blocks which have an armor value
of 15 your laser should have an AP value of 17.

This is just a recommendation and
you can get away with an AP value lower or higher than the blocks armor. Now we
can place the laser combiner. This is what weaponize the laser and is
essentially the lasers version of an advanced cannon firing piece. We won't be
able to fire laser yet as we haven't connected it to our multi-purpose laser.
Multiple combiners will divide two laser damage between them.

If your laser does
200 damage to combiners will do 100 damage apiece. You can also place a laser
color and a wavefront adjuster. The laser color gives you the ability to change
the size and color of your laser. It can be placed on the sides top bottom or
back of your laser combiner.

The wavefront adjuster trades some of your
combiners damage for a small amount of shield and smoke piercing. It connects to
the top bottom back or sides of the laser combiner. Finally we can place some laser
optics to make our laser more accurate. We can also place a laser steering
optics to give the laser a greater field of fire.

Next we'll connect our laser combiner to
our laser system. To do this you can use the laser connector or the laser transceiver. The laser
transceiver connects the lasers to other components without the need to be
physically connected. This connection can also pass through blocks.

The transceiver
can receive the laser connection from all of it's sides but can only transmit
from the top. To connect laser combiners on turrets, place the laser transceiver
in the middle of the turret block and then place one below the turret
block. With the laser combiner connected you'll
be able to fire and test your laser. Remember, if your laser is running out of
energy you'll need to either remove some or all of the laser just stabilizers add
more laser pumps or decrease the number of laser combiners.

To make a laser anti
munition system or LAMs, you will need to place the laser munition defense
block. These have a hundred and eighty degree field of view so make sure they
can see what you want them to shoot at. These are treated as combiners so the
laser damage is divided between them. You'll want to try and place as few as possible.
I'd recommend that the laser used for these do at least 250 damage per
munition defense block and have a minimum ap value of 10.

A laser below
this damage will have a hard time shooting down multiple incoming shells
and missiles. As for the number of Q. Switches you should have I prefer to use
4 Q switches as they make the laser more energy efficient. Next will need to place
some munition warners.

These detect incoming projectiles and allow your
laser defense to fire on them. You want to place at least one of these in each
direction and make sure they're connected to your vehicle's AI. With that done your laser defense system
will be able to engage enemy munitions. You can also use passive radar and
passive sonar to detect incoming missiles and torpedoes.

Although this
doesn't replace the munition warner's. Keep in mind that in order for the
passive radar to work, the missile will need to use an active radar seeker. Your laser system will now be able to
engage torpedoes. Lastly, I'd recommend having a set of batteries with an electric motor to provide extra power when the laser is used.

This will help
deal with the power spikes the laser causes. Lasers can have multiple laser
cavities spread throughout a vehicle and be linked with transceivers. This is
useful for redundancy or to make powerful lasers within vehicles that
have space constraints. If you have both a weaponized laser system and a defense
laser system, I'd recommend you have two separate multi-purpose lasers so they
aren't competing with each other over laser energy.

I hope this video gave you
a better idea of how lasers work and how to build them. If you have any questions
put them in the comments below. Thanks for watching!!.

From The Depths Laser Tutorial

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