Thursday, August 2, 2018

Can a Laser Cut Hair

Okay so a couple problems I see so far is the laser is just burning straight into the skull (duh) Hi it's me and i've got way too much hair and i've also got now a tiny laser Normally my mom cuts my hair I'm embarrassed from saying that okay? Well I feel embarrassed saying that but whatever. I decided to switch things up and we'll try to use the laser to do it zI think, we'll just kind of take it off it's mount and kilter it out. No focusing or anything. Put a spinning chair right here and you can spin.

Everyone's probably saying it's a terrible idea and you shouldn't do it And I agree but I still think we should test it let's go to the store. So i'm thinking we'll take one of these we don't need, but this is just showing you what the end product kind of like hopefully what the hair ends up looking like. Just a nice high contrast line Then we need hair where *Drops fake head rip* Let's get a wig. Let's see if they have wigs here That's a picture frame.

We could make a wig with like yarn uGh Unless we can find a wig. We're gonna ask someone but I don't think they have a wigs here AHHHH Okay, let's unscrew the tube. It's held in with these, like pipe looking things, and we're just gonna See what they can, do about it point it sideways It's like right out here Oh also, don't do this. I'm a trained.

Professional Don't look at me like that There's gotta be a better way to do this.This is really bad. Let's just make it look, safe and then we'll cut to  it that way it kind of looks like we knew exactly what to do? Alright so this is our setup We got our safety cardboard and our safety metal pipe and that holds this nice and secure-ish and so now we need, a spinning platform and a wig. Let's take another quick moment to check out the condiment machine. I think the reason i've been keeping, is i'm like What if in the future we decided to make another machine that makes hamburgers or hot dogs, we could reuse this and I'm not gonna reuse it because it's disgusting So I really should just throw it away I'm not really sure where it was going with that let's go get the spinning chair dadadada [ MUSIC ] dude I think we might be geniuses.

We get a clamp? Now we need another clamp shove this oh there's a hole in it wow uh yeah, so Good. Now we just got to find the thor wig. Maybe it's in the shed. Oh no WHa-


thor wig Where's the thor wig Oh no.

Oh no! Our strawberry vase Oh no! Oh Yea My dad broke the strawberry vase And all we have is a strawberry top hat now. That was our garbage can for the hot dog video and now it's gone forever look it he didn't even tell me. He like probably tried to dispose of the evidence and Hey did you break my strawberry vase. Oh you did, you threw it away.

Ohh Thanks I appreciate it. Goodbye Thanks dad! But where is it? You know what whatever, we got better things to, do and it's starting to rain, how About, we find the thor wig and then come back Oh man [ Music ] So we found our thor wig, which I think is actually maybe an elsa wig but just try to straighten it out We're just gonna lop it off, oh Oh yeah Also I kind of feel we should make up the doll so it looks more human. Holy crap this is a lot of hair Jeez Oh my god come on Wow this hurts my fingers Hey you can't even tell Well. Maybe a little bit Hey it's me  L O G A N  P A U L.

I'm sorry! I'm so sorry! This is horrifying Coolant flowing! This is such a stupid idea. Are we ready? Um, okay. Oh that's very Yellow. So a couple problems I see so far is the laser is just burning straight into the skull It's on fire.

That's not a part of the plan I can't tell if it's cutting hair or if it's cutting into the skull Definitely into the skull, back here. It simply peels right off This is very good progress you know, not every invention is a success at first. This isn't even real hair Oh it looks like a really, bushy, eyebrow Oh god. It's like the same color as the fake hair Oh it smells.

Wow! That smells really bad! I'm starting to think we'd call it quits, and just finish the job the old-fashioned way with a pair of scissors  -  minus some minor fifth and sixth-degree burns This hairstyle is pretty dope I just got my hair cut. They didn't let us film inside. Could you salvage this What would you turn this into [Natalie]- A pixee? [William]- Yeah [Natalie]- Maybe [William]- Or just shave it off and let it all grow out again Technique could have been better. From a wearable standpoint Like a -10.

[William]- Okay, I was hoping for something above a 2 but. Do you want to keep gary Sure! Yes! Now I don't have to throw it away! [Natalie]- Thanks for letting me cut your hair! [William]- Thanks for cutting my hair, oh leave a leave recommendation if you've got something that, we can, stick in a laser Put in the comments. Like the good old days! Alright, see ya Oh! Hello! You ever stop and think about what your doing with your life (Subtitles by Alex).

Can a Laser Cut Hair

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