Monday, August 6, 2018


     Look at her, look at her stance you guys need to study the stance because Mama knows her stuff. Look at this laser field! Whoo! Are you ready to go under some scary lasers? Yes Are you ready to defuse a bomb? I was born ready! Are you ready to defuse a bomb? YEA! Today we are going to have a Chrono Bomb Challenge! This is Chrono Bomb and the wonderful people at Patch sent us this game and we are gonna play it today. We're gonna have a little challenge. Chrono bomb is a fun little game here...

You have to cross the laser field before it's too late. You guys ready for a little challenge? Do you guys like my Super Spy Pants? They're my Super Spy Pants. Let's open it up, lets see what we have here. Let's see what we got in this baby! Laser beam, obviously it's not a real laser beam because if they were real laser beams how much would this game cost Mama Bee.

Eight million dollars. The game would cost eight million dollars if they were real laser beams. So there are strings that look like lasers and they're gonna be connected to the bomb and we're gonna try it. What we're gonna do is hook up these clips and we're gonna have a Chrono Bomb Challenge, okay? Let's go hook this up to the other room.

Let's do this! We have our laser field set up here. What do you guys think? Oooooooooooh This is a very... Complex laser field because you have to go over and under the laser field to defuse the bomb that is set up over here. Mama Bee's all set up, she's got her heist clothes, until your heist your super spy heist clothes Wow, whoa, if this was a heist clothes competition Mama Bee would win, I think.

I got my heist hat on, I got my wolfie shirt, and I have my heist pants. So, if I was going to do a heist, I would be wearing this getup right now. Mister Monkey's got his slickity slick going on. That's his super heist slickity slick hair.

Miss Monkey's already trying out the little course here, she's got her heist pants. I think we're all ready to go. We're ready for this! Let's pretend this is a heist, and we're trying to defuse the bomb which is set up over there. So you have one minute to go through the laser field and even if you hit the string you can keep going, it just cuts the time a little bit So if you hit the lasers keep going! Don't stop! Don't stop! Finish it! Complete the mission! Who wants to go first? Ohh...

We're gonna get... Mister Monkey! He's gonna go first. Are you ready? Set.. There you go! That's OK Monkey, go ahead! Let's go monkey lets go! Let's go Mr.

Monkey lets go! Woah! Good job, Mister Monkey! 12 Seconds to go! Mister Monkey goes up and over the laser beams! Now Miss monkey is gonna go! There you go miss monkey! Ooh! Miss Monkey! 11 Seconds! So far Mister Monkey's in the lead! Oh! Mister Monkey, Mister Monkey's in the lead! But guess what? Mama Bee's next. Oh! Here comes Mama Bee! Mama Bee, are you ready? We have to be, oh look at her look at her stance. You guys need to study the stance because Mama... Knows her stuff look at this laser field! Whoo! Ready...

Set 25 seconds! Oh, Mama Bee's the new champion! Mama Bee, is in the lead! She saved the whole team because she's the quickest, she's the super sleuthiest so far. She's a super spy: Mama Bee. Wow, well, you know what?Well, you are in the Chrono Bomb lead right now, Mrs. Mama Bee.

You guys need to take some notes here. This is education. Mama Bee has got the skills. She knows how to go up and over the laser field and defuse that bomb.

Maybe you guys know a little bit of math and a little bit of science, but what's also important is to go through a laser field once in a while and defuse a bomb. But guess what? It's Papa's time. Oh! As a bonus, I'm going to draw some mission cards and I'm going to go ahead and pick up a camera, a flash drive and I'm going to pick up some gloves on the way. What do you guys think about that? Mama Bee, do you want to do the honors and press that button for me? Of course.

Ready.. Set.. Go! I have to be more gentle because the laser field is very- oh, whoopsa! Oh man, dude! Maybe I'm too slick. The bomb just went off guys.

I just blew the heist. That hat is not very lucky. I don't think it's a very lucky hat. Thank you again for watching and thank you to the folks at Patch Products for hooking us up with Chrono Bomb.

We're gonna keep playing I got to learn, I got some skills. And Mama Bee's got the skills to pay the bills. Oh yeah, so Mama Bee gets to do the winning dance. Yeah! Are you ready to defuse a bomb? Yes!.


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