Friday, October 5, 2018

Laser Tattoo Removal - How a Tattoo is Removed

[Music] We are here today to talk about laser tattoo
removal and how to remove a tattoo. Thats a really interesting
sociological question because who gets tattoos? Used to be that if you were going to get a tattoo
you better be very deliberate about it and sure about yourself because
once you put it in its not coming out. That tattoo is going to be permanent.
Fortunately today with a whole variety of very sophisticated lasers we can remove that tattoo
and get that ink right on out. It hurt going in and it is going to hurt coming out.
But, we can get the tattoo ink out, with a series of laser tattoo removal treatments,
layer by layer, all the ink can be removed.

Tattoo ink, or colors, or pigmentation,
are very specific in that they respond to different frequencies of laser energy.
For each different color of ink that you might have in a tattoo you might need a different type
of laser to interact with that ink and get it out. Thats why there are 6 different frequencies
and types of lasers for interacting with all sorts of different kinds of pigment
that the tattoo artist might of put in to your skin.
Fortunately, under the skilled hands of someone who really knows laser tattoo removal
like Dr. Pien. Who is arguably the most skilled and experienced laser surgeon in the country.

The tattoo ink can be removed in a series of laser tattoo removal treatments,
layer by layer, so that not too much is done at a time. If you try to get all the ink out at once
you simply could overwhelm the skin and then you are likely to have a mark left over.
Maybe a little scarring. If its done more delicately,
in a more judicious, progressive way, then you can get the tattoo ink out
without causing any scarring at all. What is going to happen during the
laser tattoo removal treatment is that the tattoo ink is actually going to be vaporized by the laser.
As the tattoo ink is vaporized it basically explodes in your skin.

Its kind of a messy process.
Dr. Pien will be dabbing your skin a lot with cotton to keep it clean and dry as
she is removing the tattoo ink. Like I said, it does hurt a bit
on the way out. There is going to be a sore.

You are going to bleed
and that will be bandaged. After the scabs have come off and everything is healed
youll come in for your second, third or fourth or however many laser tattoo removal treatments
you need depending on the amount of ink and how deep it was put into your skin. [Music] [Music].

Laser Tattoo Removal - How a Tattoo is Removed

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