Saturday, October 13, 2018

Painful ACNE LASER Experience in Korea...

Hey, it's Fei, I know you guys have been wanting me to share my laser treatment experience so here it is   My friend Charlotte from super glam suggest me to this derma clinic make sure to check out her video to see what she got done, so this place is called Oracle. There's a couple hundred locations and total here in South Korea That shows you that the legit place that locals go to we actually got to meet the CEO of this place And he was super nice. Off to consultation where we met one of the top doctors here So he asked me what my main problem was and I said acne, which I should have been more detailed however I did say that one of my concerns were these two invasive bumps And he pointed it out that they were actually internal scarring tissues. He recommended me to get steroid shots for it MPS.

Michelle Phan actually told me about this last resort treatment - when I met her last summer the tubing laser treatments I got done were Co2 and IPL Oracle recommends these two for anyone who's looking for even toned skin and ridding acne scars and agents Buck's Spot removal because my dark spot here still rashad to get rid of the bump the bump guys finally It's been like over six months you guys never complain about so much The Acne scar that's underneath the superior skin. Oh, yeah, that's so interesting. It's an internal scar Here we go first. We have to wash our faces clean.

No makeup. Nothing just by your skin Our first stop was guinness arrow shots for my internal scarring, and I definitely felt the needle hair. It wasn't too bad It was like poke poke done. This is to reduce inflammation and or lesions underneath my skin Here's some advice about steroid shots that Charlotte told me about which you should know as well Don't get steroid or cortisone shots for blackheads pimples or whiteheads no No, no no This is meant for last resorts specifically for cystic acne that started underneath the skin surface it almost feels like a really hard pebble when you press on it with no Feeling for example langa has been in flame for over six months And I needed this to decrease the nodule underneath Please try switching up your diet if you have similar problems But she'll even told me to cut out cheese and dairy Maybe that could help you before you decide to resort here next I got my nose filled Wish I did a whole video on that and you can watch it by clicking the I button and no I was not sponsored Okay, also go to numb this face Sharla, and I both got some numbing cream and waited about 30 minutes I kind of wish the Hatters way a bit longer, but it's okay.

I'm a big girl so I thought So first was the co2 laser treatment a K carbon dioxide this treatment removes moles aged in dark spots Ward's acne scars etc It is powerful like IPL where it aims in large surface areas This is targeted first off the smell Since he's basically targeting my spots and many moles a smell like burnt skin I know so delicious secondly ouch even though. I love the aftermath wow this hurt like a bee And I literally mean a bee it stings and because he bridge some spots around my eyes It's even more painful because of the sensitive skin Basically the laser shoots straight onto the mole and or the spot and it removes damaged skin within deeper layers to boost the stimulation of health their skin underneath I think at this point you can read my emotions am I right or am I right He then put some stickers over my eyeballs to prep me for the IPL treatment aka photo rejuvenation Laser that is used as a broad-spectrum laser I started crying my buttocks felt like they were gonna pull muscle. It was intense this removes freckles age spots pigmentation and more it felt like burning pricks Stabbing at me I think the IPL hurt more for me because my face was already exposed to sensitivity after the co2 laser So this round I was like Praying lastly the most important step. I received sunscreen It is so important to get sunscreen especially since the skin is very vulnerable to UV rays Stickers were actually placed on largest spots that were targeted during the co2 treatment and like a tomato ready to burst I was like ready to be smashed and do tomato juice if you ask me completely normal don't stress and yes My face felt like how he looks hot and uncomfortable and that had in a good way hot doesn't like out It was still a bit pained, but again.

That's to be expected It goes down in like 10 minutes, so you'll be ok Afterwards to be recouped and sat down to look at their line that will soon be curated on so quickly I'm calm guess what I've been using some of these products for over a month now, and I've been Genuinely loving it the whole life that Charlotte's gonna. Carry is a hundred percent completely for acne prone in troubled skin I will for sure do a full review on the whole line closer in time for you get excited So is it worth it. I know some of you are gonna say It's not worth all that pain just have good skin, and that's understandable yeah true However, this experience was definitely worth it in my case scarring was always something I struggled with along with my skin texture and uneven skin tone of course I know that without my own efforts basically loving my own skin and taking care of it myself I wouldn't have come this far in the first place with a bit of treatment. It was kind of like the last push I needed that doesn't necessarily mean that you need it, and it doesn't necessarily mean that I can't do it either Do what makes you happy and sometimes? It's okay to get help I'm gonna leave all the information down below if you want to check out this realistic Durham clinic if you're ever in Seoul also Charlotte got co2 laser and laser toning done.

Which is a way to brighten and even out your skin tone I'll link her video below for those who are interested in a professional perspective take on this wait wait wait I've logged the whole healing process from the pus the stabbing the scabs falling off and I actually had one mishap I have a lot of explaining to do if you want to see my face Transform after the treatments like this video, and I'll give you all the tea I'm only going to share if you like this video subscribe to me if you want and to make sense and finding less eyes.

Painful ACNE LASER Experience in Korea...

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