Wednesday, October 17, 2018

People Try Cold Laser Therapy

- So we're doing like,
essentially like brain surgery without cutting you open. - Well, thank you. (Darrick laughs) Appreciate that part. (Upbeat music) - My name is Destinee.

- My name's Hitomi. - And today I'm here to
get cold laser therapy. - My name is Dr. Darrick Sahara, welcome to the Sahara Clinic.

I specialize in something
called Applied Kinesiology. With that specialty,
we're able to use a lot of different modalities such
as low-level cold laser therapy to help facilitate anybody's healing no matter what the problem is. First, we like to take a health history, it's by law, it's important. We wanna know everything about the patient before we start treatment.

What can you not do well? What does it limit you? - So usually, this is my good knee. - Flexion, okay. - And then this one, literally,
this is how far it goes. - Oh wow, okay.

- And then, this is how far it goes. I had surgery on my
wrist almost 10 years ago and it's always been hard
kinda adjusting back to daily things that you don't realize like randomly doing a push-up, or even when you have to
rest your hand on anything, it kinda just gives that
tightness in the wrist. - Give me like a scale between zero to 10, 10 being like incredible
pain, zero being no pain. - If I do a real push-up, I
would say it's like a seven.

So already, it's a
three right here, but... That's one, and that's, like mmm, five. - Five, okay, five out of 10. - But the longer I hold it, it's just like a slow pain coming in.

- So I was a college athlete and I had four knee surgeries
before my 23rd birthday. So I'm praying for a miracle. My knees ache when I get
up, my knees ache when I get in the shower, my knees
ache if it's gonna rain. I try to go to the gym,
but imagine running with two bum knees, it doesn't work out.

- Is it like left side more
swollen than the right? - Yeah, definitely, and I
have terrible range of motion. - And is it localized or does it go down, travel down to the foot,
go up to the groin? - No, it's pretty much
localized to my knee, yeah. - So we're gonna give you indigo glasses. - Ooh, hello.

- And this is to bend the laser light to a very specific
frequency for her problem. Put these on. So we're gonna punch in some
numbers here to fix the brain. So we're gonna do some cool
functional neurology, basically.

(Dramatic music) - And what I'm lasering right
now is her cerebral cortex. And the cerebral cortex is responsible for making a patient know there's pain. - Am I supposed to feel it now? - You could. - Yes.

- You feel? - I feel like something
on the bottom of my foot. - Wow. Some people feel things, some people actually taste things, some people smell things. - This feels so weird! - Wow, 90% of population,
however, don't feel a thing.

- I definitely feel something
on the bottom of my foot. - Bring your hand up, I
wanna laser the incision. So we're lasering the area
where she had surgery. These are different
frequencies I'm punching in for different areas of the body that I wanna stimulate and fix.

So we're gonna laser her hypothalamus. Low-level laser, how it works is there's a radiation device in the machine that stimulates photons, or atoms, and excites 'em, and then it shoots out a coherent light beam and it hits the area of where we're trying to
help facilitate healing, and it helps vitalize that area. It will actually lower inflammation, it would also actually decrease pain. We use it on a lot of athletes.

- I don't know how to explain it, 'cause it's not painful,
but it's like pressure. - Relax this whole foot, there you go. And then bring this up, push up. Relax.

(Thudding) Push up hard, that's nice and strong. And relax, there we go. Go walk around and see how you feel. - Oh, light as a feather! - Good.

- This is incredible! - Yeah? - Whoa! I was very skeptical going into this. I was like, meh, is some
laser supposed to help what four years of surgery hasn't? Yeah, sure, okay. And I was shook, like, legitimately shook. Then I started walking and I was like, "I don't feel anything." And I was like, "Wait a
minute, I don't feel anything!" Thank you! Can I give you a hug? - You're welcome! You
know, that's what we do.

- Oh, thank you so much. This is incredible, wow! - Just show the range, let's see. - Yeah. - A little bit more, I
think you got more flexion.

- It's definitely more. Oh yeah, that's a lot more. - Yeah. - Whoa, that's crazy.

- That's pretty crazy, huh? - Yeah. (Upbeat music) - So after you do the
push-up, give me a number. - Uh, like a four. - Four? Okay.

- My experience was pretty cool. My range of motion is great. I couldn't even bend this,
like at a 45 degree angle, and even going back, it goes really far, so I feel like my wrist is a new wrist! It's pretty insane how
much more I can bend down. - That's cool.

Ideally, I would probably see you within maybe the next week to reevaluate all the range of motions,
and then continue treatment. - So by the third one, I should be... - Like pain-free, yeah, ideally. - Wow.

- Between two and four,
I would say, usually. - I would definitely wanna
look into cold laser therapy a little bit more, just
'cause I wanna know, if it caused that much of a difference, it's insane what one treatment could do. - I'm the type of person,
when I see an infomercial, I'm like, "Yeah, okay,
click, click, click." But this actually works,
and so I'm kind of gonna have to commit to doing it again. (Upbeat music).

People Try Cold Laser Therapy

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