Monday, October 29, 2018

SubnauticaPart 44FIRE THE LASER!!

I see you!! Oh, I see you over there~ Hello everybody, my name is Markiplier and welcome back to Subnautica. I just tested the limits of my oxygen capability because I swam from my base to the surface and it is just barely there but now I'm gonna go back I. Need to make... Uh..

I need to get the materials for a bioreactor...Um, and I need to get materials for various other things. I want to get enough to make another room so I can get two bioreactors but one of the things that I discovered- * gets cut off by loud groaning noise* eeeh...God that's- ohhhh what the FUCK was THAT? WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT?! OH. MY GOD! You silly playful bitch you scared me! Yeeesh aye yee ayeaye I don't like that thank you. I don't like the idea of you playing like whales just breaching out through the water.

Oh so majestically ah fuck you. Welcome back I'm headed back to my life pod I will be skipping ahead in just a bit.. Uh.. To get the materials, get my Seamoth and then get back uh but before that I need to get materials I need to make a second base but one of the things that I discovered is that lantern fruit are an amazing source of energy in a bioreactor so what I need to do is I need enough titanium to take with me over there so that I can make two bioreactors and then make the grow beds to be able to make a lot of lantern fruit.

So I got a long way to go but I. Just want to pop in to say hello so laddiedaaa Oh I'm an idiot! I have this thing! Oh I'm- just- fucking- are you kidding me god dammit I'm such a fuckin doof... FUCK! *High pitched voice* Woo hoo woopy doopy, here we go fuck them fuck that fuck you and fuck all y'all I'm getting you. No I know I know I know I forgot how hard life was without this stupid mobility.

Scary life it was. Oh no we've got a message oh no oh no "Aurora, its Sunbeam. We made orbit, scans have found a landing site on the planet that's only rated hazardous. It's our best shot.

We've sent you the coordinates. We'll be there in two days time. Cross your fingers the weather holds, and don't leave us waiting. Sunbeam out." Well that's not good I am not prepared for that I can't turn off although people have said that I can't turn off the uh- oh boy ya that's going to be bad it's gotta gun on it it's gotta big dangerous guuun! You're gonna die.

So there's no way to turn off the gun right now but that may change in the future but I think they're gonna die I'm pretty sure I'm pretty sure they're gonna die. But we've got better things to do with our life we gotta go get our Seamoth back, we gotta get bubble butt, we gotta get enough materials and then we all get the fudge out of here yuup! Oh and I forgot that Jeffrey, Billy, Samwise, and Marshall are  over here but I'll get them later time to worry about that now ok so as I'm gathering materials I've got some more people's names to read so thank you for commenting down below [salad exist one] says there are FOUR. Leviathans in Subnautica and not three in case you didn't know. And I'm doubting this a little bit but they say there's Reaper Leviathan, Sea dragon, Sea Emperor but then they also say there's a Ghost Leviathan!? And I'm not sure how much I believe that I think that might be something that you made up but I have no way to prove it otherwise so I appreciate the uh...

The the the daring that you have. Next up is [phantom 17] just some random facts about the Warper The Warper is actually a cyborg created by the ancient aliens and it's robot half itself is what makes it able to teleport so that's that's fascinating the the aliens made the Warper and I believe, I believe I read that somewhere as well and I just I don't think I've ever talked about it's really interesting to see that the ancient aliens built the Warper and I'm pretty sure I'm pretty sure that the the purpose of the Warper was to corral and collect all of the infected creatures and bring them to a controlled environment or possibly kill them now I. Don't know which is which but I know it probably isn't good news for anybody involved next up is [christian four and three] who said make plasma gun with knife to kill Reaper Leviathan and I don't know that just means I want to get a plasma gun and then attach a knife to it and it shoots a plasma infused knife at a Reaper Leviathan and it kills it that sounds awesome I want that I think they may be mixing up dead space with this game but I'll forgive them for now because that's just damn cool and we have [God's 17 rag on 18] who said Mark you need to delete the files named cells cache and compiled octrees cache in your save files this will make the game go smoother. Now I have not done this number one: because I'm hesitant to go deleting files in my save game file but if it can make it a little smoother I might be interested in doing that but I don't know if that's just to work around if that's actually something that's gonna help me in the long run but we'll see I just don't know ok so that's all the names that I got thank you everybody for commenting and now I've got the lubricant I've got my Seamoth now all I have to do is get as much titanium as possible before I get out there the only problem is I only have 18 slots for titanium and I think that's gonna be enough because if I build another basic chamber I would have probably have enough to make two bioreactors and then I should have enough extra titanium to build whatever I do need maybe some more solar panels just to bank more power even though they're not going to be making any power they do add power bank so that if the bio actors are constantly going that maybe it's gonna keep me powered.

But again I won't have the fuel for that until I get enough bio creatures which just means I'm going to become an eco-terrorist even more than I. Already am and to start nabbing fish out of the sea and feeding into the horror that is my bioreactor also I have to be over by the island in 30 minutes to watch the Sunbeam explode ok so we've got just about as much titanium as we can hold I picked up one piece of silver because I'm pretty sure I'm gonna need maybe two pieces but I. Know I can get silver down there so I'm not particularly worried about that but we've got all the materials that we need I'm pretty sure and we've got a beacon to guide us down into the briny depths of Hell where I know my base shouldn't be but it is anyway because I'm an idiot and we've got three diamond which means that I'm going to be able to make that drill arm wait,  am I? I'm checking my math here NO I am not cuz I don't have a fucking plasteel ingot. WELL shitty tits oh well that's a problem for another fucking day fuck but alas I shall not get mad about that is not a big deal because now I.

Have everything that I need to be able to go down there and then upgrade all of my capabilities except for the fuckin drill arm to be able to get more stuff out of the digging holes but that's ok again because I have confidence in what I'm going to be doing down there. So I'm gonna go ahead and get to the build phase and then whatever it's about five minutes left on the Sunbeam I'll probably take the old Seamoth out and witness the fireworks the Sunbeam exploding in a fiery hell hole which should be fun you know frankly I. I'm okay with that I'm gonna get a bowl of popcorn and Imma set atop the mountain and just watch it blow... It's still pretty it's still terrifying off there goes the music and now it's terrifying it was more pretty and now it's more terrifying ok so what I'm gonna do first is I'm gonna focus I'm gonna focus on the bioreactor, the first bioreactor because I.

Should have everything that I need to build one. (Warning: Emergency power only.- Oxygen production offline.)I know, I know, I know. *Wail-like mating call??* Wait, you should be rotated. *Wild animal sound of completion* Habooski ok so now "A reliable power source is a crucial step towards self-sufficiency.

If you are not already, consider keeping a photo journal of your achievements to remind you of how far you've come since washing up here." I wish you took automatic pictures because that'd be kinda cool but I don't have time to worry about it, I'm actually recording everything so it's not a big deal Now I need to build another base extension I should have planned this better I should have planned this much better because I didn't- I didn't put a lot of room to be able to do this oh well! Whatever who cares if it's gonna be halfway in the mountain side- it'll move for me I. Think yea it'll- it'll move, it'll move for me ...Right yeah it moved yea it moved for me yeah okay I get it all right okay so there was some fishies- sorry! You're gonna be subjected to a horrible fate and then tossed into a meat grinder and turned into electricity don't ask me how! I don't understand the technology with which I am building All I know is that you need to be sent- Oh you're pretty one Woah I got an Eyeye! I don't know what an Eyeye is I didn't even know the Eyeye existed! I've never seen the Eyeye before in my life! Welp time to toss them in the meat grinder! Oh well! Wonderful new things and now its dead. "Evolved the see predators before they see it." Well it didn't see ME coming! So too bad for it Alright let's see this All right what can we put in here? No I did not mean to eat that! Okay that Eyeye is eat! YAY! I've got power! (Karen talking in the background) yay ok so that- that gets power very very VERY slowly and I'm beginning to think the- the solar panels are actually doing absolutely dick diddly. Oh! Look! I've got some mountain in my room that's ok but since I'm able to build two and constantly fuel them with a steady supply of lantern trees I should have everything that I need to be able to build exactly what I need.

So! With that being said I'm going to make this the grow area because it seems to already be halfway blasted out so I'm only gonna need one for now so I'mma  build one eh I'll build it in the back. I want to build this one for now habitty be po po po po! Feels like home and I'm gonna put- I'm not going to eat you switch there we go ok so THAT'S gonna grow up all big and strong ah it's getting there! It's a little oh- Look at the Little Billy! I see him growing already! What a lovely little guy. Ok so that's going- I've got one which is not a lot of power but enough and then I'm gonna get another one and FINALLY I'll be able to dock my frickin Seamoth and my frikin other thing in here oh! It seems brighter already oh is it daylight? Or is this just because my base is powered? That's awesome! When it has power it gets light? Oh that's so nice! It is so much brighter! Is it just like fate shining on me? Sorry Eyeye, you gotta go. *Sigh* It's so nice- Oh you're quick oh you're quick ain't ya Oh you're quick Oh you're not that quick haha Not that quick! Nya ha ha! I feel bad.

*Mumbles* I don't really feel bad at all. Alllright doo ba doop boop~ Boopadoobeedoop boop boop boo~ I do think- I do think it's- I do think it's brighter down here! Like I don't know if I'm just feeling peppy because things are going my way (finally) but you know, it's a little brighter! Little brighter! You know? Hey you know what else is cool? I'm gonna be able to make a water filtration machine, which is a really really ridiculously cheap machine to make like, constant supply of water- water filtration- it only requires two titanium. Which I don't have! I gotta go BACK and get it! But by the time I come back here, I should have absolutely everything I need and I. Should have lots of power and everything should be cool and hunky dory, so I'm gonna go on one more titanium run! I'mma come back here and by the time I come back here it's gonna be plenty of power! It's freaking bright as fuck here- you know what- I'm gonna dock- I'm gonna dock- I'M GONNA DOCK- I shouldn't say that over and over again but I'm gonna dock My (unintengible) right in here! Woo- Right in ohhhhhhhhhh Ohhh thrust butthole! YES! Oh fuuuuuuuuuuuuck *Emergency power only- Power Restored* mmm  I forgot that that was gonna charge that thing, WELL I bet it's dark out here now! Oh nope still a little bright.

Okay! Well- it's hanging halfway with its ass out oh that's adorable- oh it's farting up a storm! Oh how about that- ok I'll come back when things aren't so terrible. Alright so now I just gotta go get some um- titanium I think I'm pretty sure I still have time to go get titanium and then come back before the Sunbeam explodes. So I can make some even MORE IMPROVEMENTS to my base before everything goes to shit. *Something hits the Seamoth* Owww come on- stahp it! Oh my base is nnnot happy.

I'm getting like spam- STOP IT!- I'm getting like spam messages over and over again about how my base is terrible. Also I'm gonna go out and get the necessary materials for plasteel, which is not a lot- I think it's just lithium and um- titanium ingots. So I should be able to do that one-two punch get in get out be done. OKAY alright we got oodles and oodles of titanium now and we've got one titanium ingot and I just need to swing by the purple mushroom area and grab a lithium because I'm pretty sure they're down there and if I'm not mistaken there's an entrance to the purple mushroom area rrright down here in this hell hole right here.

Mmyep I was right! I know this place way too much. Which I probably shouldn't because it's super scary and I hate going down in this one- eugh. It's just always so disconcerting the way it bobs you back and forth and the way they're worms inside the mushrooms It's not okay man! It's super weird but I'm pretty sure there's lithium there. Unless I'm horribly mistaken and incredibly stupid where the hecky heck was lithaaaum- heey lithium I knew it! I knew it! Is there anyone that's not near a freaking shark- yes! Yes! Okay! All right! Good! Grab theaaas (this) (unintelligible) grab THIS- well- boop! Ok.

SO I don't think I need more than two- I think plasteel is just literally one but just to be sure ah fuck- fucking- doodooloodoo doo doo what've we got (x2) what've we gooooat What was I doing? Plasteel ingot? There we go- Habooshki! Yeah i only needed one lithium but I'll hold onto the lithium just in case. SO I HAVE a whole bunch of shit. I've got a- bluauegh I've got- Woah why is it all- bleughh (blue) WHY IS IT BLUE and blocked out- I don't know but I got a bunch of- ah- got a bunch of titanium I got plasteel ingot I got three diamond I've got an extra lithium extra silver and I've got these ion crystals, that I don't know what they do but apparently they're gonna explode. Ok so now we got 10 minutes- aauhh- I'll be cutting it really close but I think I.

Can do it! I think I can do it! I saved, but I think I can do it! I think I can gun it all the way over to my base, build the stuff, do the things, then gun it all the way back, keep no time wasted be super productive this whole time and be super awesome and cool! OTHERWISE everything is gonna go to shit and I'm not going to be able to get anything done, which is also an option (fake laughter) hahahahaha (cry-laughter) UGH I haven't even made the modification station have I? NO I HAVE NOT! I'm not gonna be able to build it anyway! Why the FUCK- FUCKING God dammit! I'm such an ass. >:( Oh NO!!! Oh GWUOH! (NO) oh- wait there's power What? There's POWER, it's just the warnings that are bullshit! OH oh that's GREAT! Oh that's good oh (chuckles) that's good. Ok what do I need to do to build a goddamn modification station that's what I want to know right now computer chips OH well I can't make that oh fuck well this still has Spadefish and that's still working so these are still technically working which is good it's working very slowly and ah man I. Need- oh I need one more silver don't I? I don't have that, no- yeah I need one more silver and the table coral sample which I think I can get here, I'm pretty sure ah fuck I need to be able to drop my stuff off, which means that I need to be able to make a locker and let's do it in here I like it here anyway the walls are pretty barren okay baboo da boo pa doo~ you know what? This locker's better I won't be able to put a name on it but it's bigger shuuuu booski this is temporary don't anybody get upset about this I just need to store things for temporaries while I go hunt for what I need which is very important.

Okay! Alright so if I just go hunt I know for a fact that you can get silver out of the deposits around here but I'm gonna be close on time because I. Gotta get over there in the next minute I can just find fucking ahh forgot ahh fuck I need to repair this thing god damn it i'm such an asshole all right ah ba ba alright let's just let's just do it before I blow it up somehow 'cause I'm gonna blow this thing up I know- AHHH and fuck I'm out of time god dammit AHH all right I'm going back I. Gotta go back I'm not gonna try to cut it short I'm gonna go back now I'm not gonna risk it and then I'll get silver and will bring that back table coral fucks it's so hard when you're not cheating but I'm not gonna cheat ever so I'm not doing that that's why I have to deal with this is this is what real life and fate life game is like gotta work for what you want you gotta work hard and get what you want so you can get what you need so let's go watch the Sunbeam blow up and people get killed that's a horrible thing to say okay I. Could probably cut it close I probably could have gone and made the stuff that i need made the computer chips and then made the modification station then all ass over here that probably would have been perfectly acceptable but for now we are here and um- yeah I don't feel like it's going to be good I feel like it's going to be a bad thing, should I write SOS in the sand and just- no.

Try to hope for the best here Maybe they'll MISS may-maybe it'll miss maybe it's gonna miss maybe it'll miss you know? That's and option big baby I think- I literally think- I think- I'm pretty sure that the marker here is literally telling you to stand here because it's the best view to (chuckles) watch it explode and to watch the gun fire, which I've been looking forward to- I have not seen this gunfire and I've been tempted because I've seen videos and stuff that say like "The precursors are gone firing!" But this is the rrrreal deal. And I just wish that target reticle would go away. Oh- oh OH OH OH OH oh oh OH oh god HOW? Oh oh! Uh- look out??? Oh- oh no (x3) *gun makes whale-like noises while mark makes a weird face* Mark: huh, ok? D: I think that might be the warning! Oh boy. (PDA/Karen: Attention - patching in a local broadcast from the Sunbeam.) (I don't believe it, there's someone down there!) Mark: Yeah? (Aurora survivor we have your PDA.

Signature.) Mark: *Sees Sunbeam* Oh, hi... (I don't know how you walked away from that wreck, let alone survived since then, but we'll be happy to bring you onboard and hightail back to federation space.) Mark: Oh no. (Stand back, we're approaching the landing site now. Breaking atmosphere in 5...

4... 3...) *Static* (What is that? No the RED spike.) *Static* *Cannon charging* Mark: Oh boy (x2) OH BOY. (Quinn: From this planet?!) (Cannon computer: Weapons firing.) Mark: OH BOY. *Cannon beam* *Sunbeam explodes* *thundering echo* *Wind* Mark: Weeeellp Dat's not good...

D'aww, that sucks Buuuh that's no good I wonder if there's any salvage *Giggles* I can recover. I doubt it! Oh, man, *laughs* and now the guns just in firing position oh geez... Well- oh hello friend! Did you see that? "Yeah, it was fucking awesome!" Well that's-that's mean someone got shot :( So anyway that is all the time that I have for this episode of Subnautica, uh, ended on a high and a low note but alas we are stuck here on this planet until we solve the problem and maybe forever this might be our home here, alone, lost, scared and afraid But hey! That's half the fun so thank you everybody so much for watching and as always I will see you in the next video BUH-BYE! *Outro music plays*.

SubnauticaPart 44FIRE THE LASER!!

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